Monday, January 28, 2008

Mere Christianity

I am tired of ordinary Christians. Sick of them. Their self-centeredness gets on my nerves. Today I was taking a look at Westboro Baptist Church and I got really upset when I read that "The small church runs numerous websites such as,[1] and others expressing condemnation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people (LGBT), Roman Catholics, Muslims and Jews, as well as populations it believes are supporting the forementioned groups, including Swedes, Canadians, Irish, British, and Americans." When a non-Christian reads a text like this one, or like this one, he or she will certainly think that Christians are totally narrow-minded. No one could ever blame them.

However, the Bible itself shows us that God is not a people hater whatsoever.
In Ephesians 4:32 it is written: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

God, unlike some would say, is not a hater. He is a God of love and compassion.
Thus, when I say I am sick of them, I mean it. It is sad for me to see how people have misinterpreted the Bible and God himself. Being a Christian is way more than taking care of other people's lives. It is way more than seeing the devil in every kind of situation. It is way more than all this kind of crap. Being a Christian is trying to understand God and His greatness. That is what a 'Mere Christianity' is all about.

Just for the record, I am indeed a Christian. I do not see myself as an ordinary one though.


Sydnei Melo said...

Ai, meu ingreeeeeeeeeis!!!!

Não entedi nada!!!!!


Mas gostei de saber da iniciativa do blog ^^


Colm said...

Wow! Serious first post to your blog! It is indeed extremely shocking and upsetting. You may not like or support war but it's terrible to picket the funerals of dead soldiers who gave their lives servicing their country. Regardless of your beliefs or politics that's simply wrong.

Felipe Gomes said... ainda não li..

mas prometo q vou ler e dps comento de novo..haha

e respondi seu comentário la no meu blog msm..
dps ve lá..